Voter Apathy

In political science, voter apathy is a lack of interest among voters in the elections of representative democracies. Voter apathy or lack of interest is often cited as a cause of low turnout among eligible voters in jurisdictions where voting is optional, and the donkey vote where voting is compulsory.
SERBIAVoter apathy scuppered Serbia’s latest bid to elect a president yesterday, prolonging a period of uncertainty and power…

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12 Replies to “Voter Apathy”

  1. first we get played like all damn day…

    as long as u fulfill your contract you’ll be ok

    gay parade was in contract too

    i signed senor spielbergo’s contract understand canucks?

    i was starving, no job, no electricity, didn’t want to go home with my tail between my legs from the BIG CITY toronto

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