Martin Vasil's Online Parliament — Let the People Decide
Voter Apathy
In political science, voter apathy is a lack of interest among voters in the elections of representative democracies. Voter apathy or lack of interest is often cited as a cause of low turnout among eligible voters in jurisdictions where voting is optional, and the donkey vote where voting is compulsory.SERBIA: Voter apathy scuppered Serbia’s latest bid to elect a president yesterday, prolonging a period of uncertainty and power…
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12 Replies to “Voter Apathy”
I want the children to vote…allowing children who can read to vote is a big step forward
if u vote for the birdie…u don’t have to be a canadian to take the canada world leader poll
dubya bush is just the puppet FACE of the skull and bones…rockefellers like Nick and Ariana run the show….george W innocent christian man in a bad spot cuz of peer pressure from guys who don’t treat him like a real brother
i saved the best forum moments too….u don’t vote and u will never see them….don’t fall for the free vaccine carrots…and the shadow gov better not bring out the stick…carrots are ok but not sticks
I want the children to vote…allowing children who can read to vote is a big step forward
don’t damn the voters papa nelly i mean lenny
they are gonna vote
give it some time
like sands through the hourglass
these are the days of our lives
Are they insane voting for Trudeau s comforting soft lies?….I didn’t damn god 🙏 I so damn Hussein cursed Cia mockingbird bush family
Sin of anger my flock
The leaders of the world want a power couple
13 votes for Nelly and zero for Trudeau would destroy the corrupt Trudeau regime
We are at 7 – 0
So close yet so far
you are a not a donkey mr bush
if u vote for the birdie…u don’t have to be a canadian to take the canada world leader poll
dubya bush is just the puppet FACE of the skull and bones…rockefellers like Nick and Ariana run the show….george W innocent christian man in a bad spot cuz of peer pressure from guys who don’t treat him like a real brother
when a leader speaks that leader dies….Living Color – Cult of Personality lyrics
I MADE GADDAFI GO CRAZY….okay i confess….NForum….the thought criminal forum
my fault…but i did the right thing with the money….so please TRUST ME
all the leaders came for the deep secrets of satan avatar…so it’s my fault too about Hugo and sugar daddy moammar’s crush on nelly
DJ shadow government, illuminati, deep state whatever you want to call it
to the christians
Joe saved some forum moments down here
i saved the best forum moments too….u don’t vote and u will never see them….don’t fall for the free vaccine carrots…and the shadow gov better not bring out the stick…carrots are ok but not sticks
AND was a typo
on the poll
i know u clams and seashells aren’t dumb
just don’t want to get hacked
its a wordpress poll not a hacker trap
if u VOTE
will be absolved and go to heaven
if not
it won’t be no michael landon tv show
it will stay in this town of allopath highway to hell
masonic men of 666 will stay in power