16 Replies to “Untamable Miley”

  1. I gave Luis all my precious

    precious comics and precious PS4

    my opinion is that God will punish mankind if Luis and I don’t get a loving wife and family again….straight up KGB loose nukes destruction

  2. Operation Shell Game brought me back in touch with former President
    Herald Ford early one misty fall morning. Ford’s continued relationships with
    my abusers had given me cause to remain in touch with him throughout the
    years; particularly since he and my father were still jointly active in the
    Michigan organized crime drugs and pornography operation that had launched
    me into Project Monarch so many years before

    I was escorted away from the two by a nurse, who purported to be tending
    to my injured arm. In fact, she was preparing me for the “Tinker-belle cage”4

    an electrified metal cage with an electrified grid bottom. Locked inside, 1 was
    subjected to high, direct current voltage to compartmentalize the Peter Pan
    theme mind-control programming that 1 endured. Like Peter Pan’s Tinkerbelle,
    I learned to “ride the light” as a means of travel.5
    Additionally, my instilled
    Tinker-belle theme mind manipulation included a sense of Never-Never-land
    timelessness that was rooted to my “natural” inability to comprehend time due
    to my MPD/D1D

    Trance Formation of America

  3. DESTINY HOPE is Miley’s OG name


    fado = destiny

    this isn’t a un-forum.org


    MC has just as much of a chance to win the WORLD VOTE

    4 to 8 years as president and first lady

    the chop secretary general of the UN is me and EU lou’s lackey

    What i would do as world president is give the second term to first lady

    Miley Morgado world president is not impossible

    it’s very likely to happen

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