Radiation Cleanup

Humble fungi found in most back gardens could help clean up battlefields contaminated with depleted uranium.

At present, sites can be partial decontaminated by physically collecting and disposing of fragments from shells. However, radioactive particles and dust from explosions remain in the soil, preventing full reclamation.

Now, a research team in Scotland has established that common fungi can grow on and chemically lock away the offending uranium. As their hyphal filaments sprawled across fragments of depleted uranium, the tubules gradually became coated in a yellowy mineral.

Who is Like God?

My brother Mike’s name

Quis ut Deus? (or Quis sicut Deus?), a Latin sentence meaning “Who [is] like God?”, is a literal translation of the name Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל, transliterated Micha’el or Mîkhā’ēl). 


I won’t ever betray God

I won’t extinguish the sun from the sky

I won’t turn my hand against myself because of you

because you love me and you pray for me


CHRISTopher armstrong = NEW ORDER CANUCK

Gloriosus et liberManitoba’s motto, Gloriosus et liber in Latin, means “Glorious and Free”, and is a phrase from Canada’s national anthem, “O Canada”.

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