
CHRISTopher armstrong = NEW ORDER CANUCK

Gloriosus et liberManitoba’s motto, Gloriosus et liber in Latin, means “Glorious and Free”, and is a phrase from Canada’s national anthem, “O Canada”.

Saskatchewan Election
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Victory for The Capitalist Party

over the other Capitalist party.

Red or blue, democrip or rebloodlican, coke or pepsi. 1 more choice than the Communist Party in a Communist country..


THE STARS have their Victory.

Justin True D’oh Canadian Actor

Mr. virtue signal is the ultimate appropriator of other cultures


Glaad to se the true d’oh show is cancelled. As well as his pocket heavy loony economy.

NELLY FURTADO green candidate for PM on televised Parliament TV show!!! When the time comes u canuckistanis vote for NF.

Dona eis Cana duh

Pax Canadiana

et tungsten lux aeterna
