Indigenous children in Canada are more than twice as likely to live in poverty
than non-Aboriginal kids, according to new findings released.
Martin Vasil's Online Parliament — Let the People Decide
Indigenous children in Canada are more than twice as likely to live in poverty
than non-Aboriginal kids, according to new findings released.
Nelly = Novus Ordo Canada (Second Female Prime Minister)
The motto of the Dominion of Canada is A Mari Usque Ad Mare which is officially translated as “From Sea to Sea” and “D’un océan à l’autre ”
Nelly, me and Conan like u better than the queen. We both celebrate Nelly Furtado day.
Canada used to have a public bank. Old man Rothschild put an end to that. Rothschild is the Kingmaker after revolutions with guillotines like the french revolution. HE’s a bad trip. Nf is good trip.
The lawyer best known for stopping the Supreme Court appointment of Judge Marc Nadon has turned his sights on the Bank of Canada.
Rocco Galati has taken on a case for a group called the Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform, or COMER, which wants the central bank to return to the practice of lending federal and provincial governments interest-free money for infrastructure.
Dona eis Pax Christus Rex. I want peace between all you racist stereotypes this Christmas. The only person I want you to hate this CHRISTmas is his infernal majesty, John Milton the devil, and his false prophet Pastor Richards. I want peace Jimmy and Derek. Jimmy celebrates Kwanzaa and Derek celebrates Yule. Leave those pagan white Gods Derek. CHRISTmas is a time to share with friends. When light overcomes darkness. Light has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Tell that to Derek’s friend Dylan Roof or Jimmy’s cousin Micah. U2 won’t listen to the son of God or J Edgar Hoover so I might have to excommunicate both of you.
Ave Maria
Salve me Rex Tremendae