Healing JLO

JLO HEaling

My Mother Mary loves JLO. I protected your City in 2010 JLO. The Terminator gave his speech about war with Iran.

Psalm 110:3 Your people shall be willing on Your day of battle

That’s the brotherhoods code on the sacred parchment of psalms.

Pinks’s beautiful Trauama after 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy. We gonna lose the coastal cities? Gotta stop the lawn mower man.

We need exodus of NYC to Madonna Vans then triumphant return in white cars/horses to oust trump. madonna hase prophecy memorized. Rev 18 all the musicians leave the city of delusion

9 Replies to “Healing JLO”

  1. orange top. snake skin rainbow. u hollywood stars are delusional about good guy lucifer. so after 2000 years lucifer is the good guy? illuminati fairy tales of something that doesn’t exist.

  2. it was that fat swine treep that crank called a rod’s disabled cousin. i always gave rick smokes. treep was running upstairs to call. i was to scrawny to move that mound of blubber

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