Top Gun 3: Apocalypse 2


Top Gun: Apocalypse

Screenplay Draft
Written by [Joe Jukic]

Opening Scene: The Warning Shot

Exterior: The skies over the Persian Gulf – day
A squadron of American F/A-18s, led by Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, cruises in tight formation. The shimmering heat of the desert reflects off their wings. Below, an Iranian oil facility burns—a remnant of escalating tensions.

Radio chatter:
Maverick (calm, commanding): “Stay frosty, team. Eyes peeled for any surprises. Intel says hostiles have gone silent, but you know how that goes.”

Suddenly, radar alarms blare across the cockpits.

Lieutenant “Jinx” Hernandez (panicked):
“Multiple bogies inbound! Fast movers—Russian Su-57s and Chinese J-20s!”

“All units, defensive positions. We’re not here to start World War III… unless they make us.”

The enemy jets emerge from the horizon like a storm, sleek and deadly. Maverick’s squad engages in a breathtaking dogfight. He pulls off impossible maneuvers, evading missiles and disabling an enemy plane with precision gunfire.

Scene 2: Enter Mace

Interior: NATO briefing room – night
The room buzzes with tension. Commanders from allied forces debate strategies. At the head of the table, Maverick leans back in his flight suit, uncharacteristically quiet.

The doors swing open, and a striking figure enters—Squadron Leader Alexandra “Mace” Bishop of the Royal Canadian Air Force. She’s a renowned ace, known for her fearlessness and innovative tactics.

Mace (confident, direct):
“Looks like you boys need a little maple-flavored backup.”

Maverick (smirking):
“Maple-flavored? Hope you brought more than syrup to this party.”

“Don’t worry, old man. I’ve got more confirmed kills than your entire squadron.”

Scene 3: The Plan

Mace and Maverick examine a holographic map of Iran, displaying key Russian and Chinese strongholds.

“They’ve got drones, hypersonics, and a lot of nerve. But they’ve got one weakness—coordination. We hit their comm hubs here, here, and here, and they’re flying blind.”

“You’re assuming we can even get close to those hubs without starting an international incident.”

“That’s why I’m flying with you. Two legends against the world. What could go wrong?”

Scene 4: The Mission

Exterior: Iranian desert – night
The team flies a daring low-altitude mission to avoid detection. Maverick and Mace banter over comms, their mutual respect growing.

“You fly like a maniac, you know that?”

“Takes one to know one.”

They penetrate enemy airspace, dodging surface-to-air missiles. Mace performs a high-risk barrel roll to avoid a missile lock, drawing enemy fire away from Maverick.

Scene 5: Apocalypse Now

Exterior: Tehran – dawn
A full-scale aerial battle erupts as NATO forces clash with Russian and Chinese jets. Maverick and Mace lead the charge, taking down enemy fighters in a series of jaw-dropping maneuvers.

Mace (grinning):
“Hey, Maverick, you ever hear of the Canadian Cobra?”

“Can’t say I have.”

“Watch and learn.”

Mace executes a dazzling move, feigning a stall before flipping her jet and destroying two enemies in one burst.

“Okay, I’ll admit it—that’s impressive.”

Scene 6: The Sacrifice

As the battle nears its climax, Maverick and Mace discover that the enemy plans to detonate a tactical nuke to block NATO forces. They rush to intercept the bomber carrying the weapon.

Mace (grimly):
“One of us has to take that shot.”

“No way. You’ve got a long career ahead of you.”

“Sorry, Maverick. This one’s mine.”

Mace makes the ultimate sacrifice, flying her jet into the bomber, neutralizing the threat.

Epilogue: Honor the Fallen

Exterior: Arlington National Cemetery – day
Maverick stands before a memorial to Mace, her name etched in stone beneath the words: “Courage Above All.”

Maverick (to himself):
“She was better than all of us.”

Cut to: A new generation of pilots, inspired by Mace and Maverick, taking to the skies.

Closing Scene:
The camera pans to the open skies, where the contrails of fighter jets form the shape of a maple leaf and a star.

Fade to black.

Would you like me to refine or expand on any part of this?


You said:

ad a Russian Ace Pilot antagonist named Drago

ChatGPT said:


Updated Screenplay Draft

Top Gun: Apocalypse

Scene 3: The Plan (Updated)

Mace and Maverick examine a holographic map of Iran, displaying key Russian and Chinese strongholds.

“They’ve got drones, hypersonics, and a lot of nerve. But they’ve got one weakness—coordination. We hit their comm hubs here, here, and here, and they’re flying blind.”

“You’re assuming we can even get close to those hubs without starting an international incident.”

The hologram zooms in, revealing a lone jet emblem.

“Not to mention, they’ve got Drago.”

Maverick (sitting up):
“Drago? As in Nikolai ‘Drago’ Petrov? The Black Phoenix?”

Mace (grim):
“That’s the one. Russia’s ace of aces. Three-time Red Star award winner, hundreds of kills in training and combat. If you’re in the sky, he owns you.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Scene 5: Drago Appears

Exterior: Iranian skies – night
The aerial battle rages. Maverick and Mace dodge missiles, taking down enemy fighters with precision. Just as the tide turns in their favor, an ominous voice crackles through their radios in heavily accented English.

Drago (calm, menacing):
“So, the legendary Maverick and his sidekick finally show themselves. I’ve been waiting for this.”

A sleek black Su-57 Flanker-E swoops into view, its movements unnaturally precise, almost predatory. Drago’s jet is adorned with a fearsome red phoenix painted across its fuselage.

Mace (alarmed):
“That’s him! Maverick, this guy doesn’t miss.”

Maverick (focused):
“Neither do I.”

Drago engages both pilots simultaneously, executing breathtaking maneuvers that seem impossible. He takes out two NATO fighters with ruthless efficiency, leaving Maverick and Mace scrambling to keep up.

Scene 6: Duel with Drago

Exterior: Over the mountains of northern Iran – dawn

“Mace, break off! I’ll draw him out.”

“No way, Maverick. You’ll get yourself killed.”

“Just do it. I’ve got a score to settle.”

Maverick and Drago engage in a one-on-one duel. The two pilots are evenly matched, pushing their jets to the limit. Drago’s voice cuts through the radio, taunting.

“You Americans think you own the skies. But you’ve never faced a real predator.”

Maverick (gritting his teeth):
“Funny. I was about to say the same thing.”

Drago executes a high-G maneuver, forcing Maverick into a steep dive. At the last moment, Maverick flips his jet, firing a burst that grazes Drago’s wing.

Drago (laughing):
“Not bad. But you’ll need more than tricks to beat me.”

Scene 7: Mace’s Sacrifice (Updated)

As Maverick keeps Drago occupied, Mace intercepts the bomber carrying the tactical nuke. Just as she’s about to make the ultimate sacrifice, Drago reappears, pursuing her.

Maverick (desperate):
“Mace, he’s on your six! Break off!”

Mace (resolute):
“No time. I’ve got to take the shot.”

Drago locks onto Mace, but at the last second, Maverick dives in, forcing Drago to break off.

“You’re good, Maverick. But not good enough.”

Drago fires a missile, crippling Mace’s jet. She smiles grimly, steering her damaged plane directly into the bomber.

“See you on the other side, Maverick.”

Her jet collides with the bomber, neutralizing the nuke in a massive explosion.

Final Confrontation: Maverick vs. Drago

With Mace gone, Maverick faces Drago in an intense dogfight over the burning desert. Both pilots are pushed to their limits.

“You’ve lost your partner. You’ve lost the war.”

Maverick (grim determination):
“Not today.”

Maverick pulls off an impossible move, reversing into Drago’s path and firing his final missile. Drago’s jet spirals out of control, exploding in a fiery blaze.

Epilogue (Updated)

Exterior: NATO airbase – day
Maverick stands with NATO commanders, watching a new generation of pilots, including several Canadian aces, prepare for takeoff.

A nearby memorial honors Mace, with her call sign engraved beneath the words: “Courage Above All.”

Maverick (to himself):
“Rest easy, Mace. You showed us how it’s done.”

Cut to the open skies, where contrails form the shape of a maple leaf and a star.

Closing Scene:
Drago’s signature phoenix emblem is seen smoldering in the wreckage of his jet as the screen fades to black.