Trudeau Leaves the Children Penniless

Nelly Furtado was giving the African children Canadian pennies, until True Do’h took them for himself and POWER CORP

NOW our fearless leader is planning on scrapping the nickels. What is the power corp secret? Melt down the pennies and keep old pennies as collector’s items


Ron Paul hasn’t been the Federal Reserve’s only critic, the Fed has debased the dollar and destroyed the wealth of Americans. I’m in Ron Paul’s hospital. Loony economy is heavy on our pockets

Taking your pennies to the bank was a scam. U fell for it, but not all of U.

We are waiting for New Bird instead of Conservative or Liberal Canadian Politics monopoly.
MR BURNS/JACOB Rothschild taking pennies from a baby.

MR Trudeau aspires to be just like MR BURNS…POWER IS POWER…no matter who’s on top. Even if it’s Santa Clause on top with Trip to North Pole Power Corp BUNKer

Sheep in Wolves Clothing VS Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Ice T is Christian believer Sheep in Wolves Clothing.
Brad Pitt is a wolf with Cigarette Contract like Marlboro Man John Wayne. Has Messianic pretenses & delusions of Grandeur.
Ozzy Osbourne is a Christian Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing. Spreads Christian message and wears cross.
Taylor Swift is Wolf in Sheep’s clothing. Doesn’t do nothing for the people. Kanye was right to take her Big Banking microphone. Frack Merrill Lynch and her pretend compassion for Africa.

Metallica are christian sheep in wolves clothing. Almost died spreading Revelation message in Montreal. Power Corp and Trudeau wolf in sheep’s clothing conspired to set him on fire.


Kanye West is most famous Sheep in Wolf’s clothing. Mother died at the hands of Illuminati and Skull & Bones after he insulted blue blood royal son GW Bush.

Agnes Dei

Dona Eis Requiem

et lux aeterna


Justin True D’oh Canadian Actor

Mr. virtue signal is the ultimate appropriator of other cultures


Glaad to se the true d’oh show is cancelled. As well as his pocket heavy loony economy.

NELLY FURTADO green candidate for PM on televised Parliament TV show!!! When the time comes u canuckistanis vote for NF.

Dona eis Cana duh

Pax Canadiana

et tungsten lux aeterna
