Checkmate in Israel

In chess, a queen and king vs. king and rook endgame generally favors the side with the queen and king. With proper technique, the player with the queen can usually force a win. Here’s a summary of the strategy:

  1. Goal: The goal is to drive the opponent’s king to the edge of the board and create a situation where the queen and king work together to deliver checkmate.
  2. Watch the Rook: Be careful of rook checks, which can slow down progress. The queen and king must work together to limit the movement of the rook.
  3. Method: The queen restricts the opponent’s king and rook’s movement, typically boxing them in toward the edge of the board. The king supports the queen and takes control of squares that help trap the opponent’s king.
  4. Zugzwang: A common way to end the game is to put the opponent in zugzwang (where any move they make worsens their position), leading to a checkmate sequence.

It can take many moves to checkmate, and there’s a 50-move rule (if 50 moves pass without a pawn move or capture, the game is a draw). However, with good play, checkmate is typically achievable well within that limit.


Epstein is the Rook and Jacob Rothschild is the dark King. Baron Rothschild’s queen left him in shambles. The Empress of the Quinto Imperio and I can jail them with Rabbi Schneerson’s American ONE dollar bills. It is Madonna’s Imperial wish that we get that old man and put him in jail. For more information watch Madonna’s Portuguese BATUKA music video.

Soundtrack of Our Lives

Our lady gave us space to breahte



…money and in all else. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive. 

New World Order

The Brotherhood of Death is an undergraduate senior secret student society at Yale University


The boners are afraid of Jesus’ little helpers

Ave maria

dona eis requiem

et pax aeterna
